Netflix reality show in pipeline for Cabo.
Category: General
Published: 06/07/2019 00:00:00
Exciting development for Cabo as it emerges that Ernesto Coppel - one of Cabo's most successful entrepreneurs - is working on a reality show to be based in Cabo.
Joining forces with genius US reality TV director, Mark Burnett, and Mexican TV director Carla Gonzalez, the show aims to promote Cabo as tourist hot spot, as well as promote the hotel group.
Facts are few at the moment but it is believed that the show will focus on how Senor Coppel and his hotel group work to support other tourist companies face the challenges of growing a business in Cabo. With a good dose of “reality show” thrown in to keep viewers engaged,
Senor Coppel has stated that since the Tourist Promotion Council of Mexico (CPTM) is no more, he intends to do everything he can to attract national and international tourists to Mexico.
So, watch this space - and we will keep you posted! And if you prefer the real thing, get down here for a vist right now. Rooms here at at Los Milagros Hotel from $70-$120 (including taxes).
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