Category: General
Published: 02/11/2019 00:00:00
Held up for almost 2 years whilst authorities decided how best to collect it, the controversial tourist tax is about to begin.
The tax of 350 pesos - approx $18 US - will be levied on all tourists who spend more than 24 hrs in BCS. Apparently payments can be made online, or via collection kiosks at the airport.
Dubbed the " BCS sustainability fund", as much as $40 US million could flow into Cabo alone. And officials promise it will all go to local health, education and infrastructure projects. Despite the huge benefits the tax could bring, some have argued against it, believing that tourists already pay enough.
But let's face it, for less than 20 bucks per person, you won't even notice it. Especially with the great rates here at Los Milagros Hotel .So if you're heading to Cabo come and stay with us. Rooms from $70-$120 US, including taxes.
Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with what;s happening in Cabo. And on Instagram for sneak peaks into the secret oasis of Los Milagros Hotel.
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