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What's new in Cabo...

Category: General


We’re firmly into November now and it’s really starting to feel like high season. That really hot, humid sticky weather has passed. And now it’s pretty much blue sky and sunshine every day.

High season means tournament time for fishing. And October’s Bisbee Tournaments went with a bang. Lines were tight for a share of this year’s record-breaking prize money – $4.3 US. Some amazing fish were caught – including a 498lb black marlin. A ton of money was raised for the Bisbee Conservation Fund. And a ton of local kids got fed lots of tuna. So good results all round.

What wasn’t so good was the rain. Right before Bisbees, in mid Oct, Cabo suffered some serious rain and downtown was badly flooded. Huge efforts from locals and business owners meant that town was up and running amazingly quickly. But the beaches took a bit longer to recover. Some of the local colonias are still suffering the after- effects with no running water yet. Not good.  

On a more positive note, Forbes Magazine voted Cabo one of the world’s best 20 destinations to visit in 2020. Which basically means - book your flight now. And if you’re from Edmonton or London UK even better - as direct flights from both cities have just begun. The first London flight arrived last Thursday to the typical Mexican welcome from a Mariachi band!

The long awaited and much debated tourist tax officially came into effect on Nov 09. What does it mean? Well, all visitors who spend more than 24 hours in BCS will now have to pay a tax of $350 pesos (less than 20 bucks). Supposedly the money collected will go to local health, education and infrastructure projects. And apparently payment can be made at the airport on departure. Or online. But it’s still a bit vague – and reports are contradictory…. We’ll be posting updates

Another contentious issue is Uber. To date the State Congress has refused to grant it a legal framework in BCS. But Uber have issued a statement saying that they intend to continue operating across BCS… Best beware if you use it. You may be stopped by traffic police etc.

Other events of note that took place this month: Sammy Hagar’s annual birthday bash in Cabo Wabo;, Ironman Los Cabos, Cabo’s 2nd Annual Tattoo Festival, plus numerous Day of the Dead and Halloween parades and parties.

And of course, the best thing to have happened is the early arrival of the whales! A whole month before the official season actually starts. Wonderful sign of a healthy whale population in the waters of BCS

It’s all happening . With lots more good stuff coming up.. Book your flight. And get down here for some fun and sun.

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