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No women in Cabo today

Category: General

NO WOMANFor anyone waking up today in Cabo, or anywhere in Mexico, you’re going to notice something very strange. And very different.

It may take a moment, but very soon you’ll notice that there are NO WOMEN around. Ninguna.Not in bars, restaurants, hotels, schools, shops, offices, public places, Nowhere. Not one.

Why? Because today -“Un dia sin mujeres” - is a national strike by  Mexican women for Mexican women, fueled by the rising violence and murder of women and girls. (Sadly, Cabo has the highest rates in BCS).

Mexican women have long been tired of gender-based violence, inequality and the prevailing culture of Mexican machismo. They’re also tired of successive governments that do nothing to change things. Tensions have been building for a long time, And the two horrific murders in recent months - of Ingrid Escamilla, 25 yrs, Fatima Aldrighett, 7 yrs – have brought things to a head. Mexican women are taking a stand. A very big stand.

Women of all ages, classes and ethnicities are taking part in a 24-hour strike - “Instead of occupying public spaces, the traditional approach to protest, they decided to stage an action that symbolized women’s disappearance from them — in order to send a message of anger and rejection of violence against women,”

With wide-ranging buy-in from the public and private sectors, civic groups and religious leaders the event has gained huge momentum. And huge significance for Mexican women. Most organisations say they won’t penalize women for not attending work. And it’s estimated that the 1-day strike will cost the Mexican economy $1.39 billion US.

Mexican women are not interested in a fleeting demonstration. Instead they are hoping their actions will mark a watershed moment for much needed change in Mexican society.

In the words of Sabina Berman, a Mexican novelist and feminist activist - “This is not against this government or any government. It is against the entire Mexican state, against the private sector, against the men who harass, who rape, who kill, and against those good men who stand by and do nothing.”

So, now you know exactly why there are no women around Cabo (or Mexico) today. It’s 2020 and women shouldn’t have to fight this fight. And with Cabo having the highest rates in BCS of violence against women, please take a moment to reflect

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